Thursday, November 17, 2011

>Wether and Climate

Climate of Sri Lanka, Best in the world and an ideal holiday destination for you!

Sri Lanka is neither too hot nor too cold. There is warmth throughout the year. Temperature is almost the same all the year round; diurnal differences in temperature is very low, less that 5 degrees F. No seasonal changes as regards climate of Sri Lanka is isle as in the west. Average temperature is 80 o F in the lowlands and gradually decreasing while proceeding to the interior highlands but the highest point in Sri Lanka is 8292’, so you see, Sri Lanka is an ideal destination for a tourist.

Sri Lanka lies in the tropical zone roughly between 5o N and 10o N latitudes, almost within the belt of calms or Doldrums, which gets conventional rains throughout the year. Though anyone can expect a high temperature according to their circumstances, several factors contribute to an advantageous influence on the climate.

Firstly, this is an small island surrounded by the vast Indian ocean, lying off the tip of the South Indian Peninsula. Secondly, the maximum length and breadth of this being 432 and 224 kms respectively allowing the on-coming sea breeze blowing during the day time spread throughout the island having a favourable effect on this temperature especially in the lowlands and a soothing effect on man, and the average temperature varies 80 degrees F to 84 degrees – 85 degrees F or s degrees F – to 00 degrees F later being the average temperature of the famous town Nuwara Eliya in the Hills.
Visit world famous Garden City of Asia, Nuwara Eliya you will find best climate of Sri Lanka

Though Sri Lanka is always warm and bright and sunny, air is always humid. Percentage of humidity in the air is higher in the wet South West rather than in the eastern dry zone depending on the rains. Towns such as Bandarawela and Badulla are regarded as better health wise, being in the east of the hill country which get less rain and subsequently air is much less humid. So you must spend your hoilday in Bandarawela or Badulla when you visit Sri lanka to experience the best climate of Sri lanka .

Though Ceylon lies within the Rest of Calm, it is also within the area of Indian monsoonal system. Thus the monsoons are really a strong factor modifying the climate of the isle during certain periods of the year. South West monsoons blowing over vast ocean brining with it vast amount of moisture – laden winds, meeting the central hill country drops the moisture on the south west hills and plains, these being on the windward side and passes over the east as a not dry wind, it being the leeward side. This hot dry wind known as kaccan coming down the eastern slopes of the hill country passes at a considerable speed making a loud hooting noise.

In Sinhala hoot is called huva and the people believe that the term huva derived from the word huva (huva >uva). You could hear this noise vibrating through the night in case you spend a night at a town like Bandarawela during the South West monsoonal rains.

Thus the South West of Sri Lanka gets more rain from the South West monsoons from May to July and at the end of the year South East monsoon winds and depressions forming in the bay of Bengal being rains to the East.

Driest part of the island lying to the North West and South West is called the Arid zone. Parts of some wild life sanctuaries as Yala, Bundala, Wilpattu, are lying in these zones provide sufficient water for the flora and fauna in the area unless there is a severe drought, which occurs in a while.

Favourite climate conditions prevalent in Sri Lank, warmth all the year round, temperature conditions in the central hills all encourage the tourist to plan holiday at any time of the year.

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