Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Peradeniya Royal Botanical Garden

peradeniya botanical gardenPeradeniya is the Royal Botanical Gardens which was the pleasure garden of the last King of  Kandy. The Peradeniya Garden is easily one of the best of its kind in the world. The many beautiful avenues will lead one to sections which provide a burst of tropical colour.

The great lawns & variety of huge  trees in tropical climate surrounded by the islands' longest river  Mahaweli,  will  surprise your Sri Lanka tour at the Peradeniya Royal Botanical garden. The best known attraction of the Gardens is the famous Orchid House, which house for more than 300 varieties of exquisite orchids from the rare indigenous Foxtail and Vesak orchids, to many natural and hybrid species which have made this one of the best known orchid centers of the world.A spice garden gives you a first hand introduction to the trees, plants and creepers that produce the special spices of Sri Lanka. The Herbarium grows many of the plants used for the traditional Ayurvedic treatments

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